Tax Justice for All
Fair Share America supports movement in the states and nationally to make wealthy individuals and the most profitable corporations pay what they owe so that all of us can thrive.
Why tax justice?
Our tax code impacts the well-being of our communities and of our democracy.
In America, our tax code shapes whether we share wealth and prosperity equitably – or allow it to be hoarded among the few.
Our tax code determines whether we invest in the things that offer everyone the freedom to thrive – or let opportunity stagnate.
Tax Reform in 2025 and Beyond
2025 is our moment to build a pro-growth economy that leaves no one behind by reforming our federal tax code when parts of the 2017 Trump tax law begin to expire.
In a growing number of states, tax justice advocates have succeeded in passing new laws that raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations and make critical investments in education, transportation and more. They have also moved tax justice legislation to the top of state house agendas for 2025 and 2026.

Defeating the Anti-Tax Movement
Decades of tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations lobbied for by a well-organized and well-funded group of anti-tax extremists with roots in Civil Rights Era backlash have ushered in an era of extreme wealth concentration and inequality, drained revenues and public investments, and widened racial wealth disparities.
This anti-tax movement relentlessly pursued tax cuts and austerity measures by declaring this a path toward greater business growth and individual freedom. They claimed wealth would “trickle down” to the rest of us. It did not.
The results: extreme inequality, ultra-powerful corporations, social discontent, and hyperpartisanship. Loss of faith in government and democracy.
To fix the damage, we are fighting for tax justice.