About Us

Fair Share America supports the movement in the states and nationally to make wealthy individuals and the most profitable corporations pay what they owe so that all of us can thrive. 

We are a groundbreaking, federal and multistate initiative focused on building long-term civic engagement and political power to deliver lasting tax justice.

In a democracy, everyone should have the freedom and opportunity to thrive. That starts with tax justice.

Our Approach

Fair Share America

  • Expands the ecosystem of organizations and individuals fighting for tax justice across the country, engaging them around the importance of tax justice at both the state and federal level

  • Connects the issue of tax justice and its impact on the everyday issues that touch everyone’s daily lives, including affordable health care, climate justice, housing and anti-poverty, child and elderly care, and more

  • Leads with a tax justice strategy focused on concrete results that build durable, long-term power