Join Us For A Week of Action: February 15-23

Right now, Trump and Elon Musk are attempting to slash Medicaid, freeze federal funding for food stamps, education, housing, and health care, and shut down whole federal agencies that serve the American people. aMeanwhile, Congressional Republicans are strategizing how to pass a budget through Congress that would take away those same programs for working people through the legislative process. We must fight back. 

Don’t be discouraged by the chaos, this is all part of the same con—claw back money from the vital services and programs working people depend on so they can give even more tax breaks to billionaires and corporations. 

Our members of Congress—who were sent to Washington to represent us— don’t have to go along with these efforts. They have a clear choice: Will they stand with everyday Americans and say no to more tax cuts for billionaires and corporations? 

This is the question we must ask members of Congress while they’re at home for recess from February 15th - 23rd. Show up, be seen, and be heard during this week of action!

Ideas for action: 

  • Gather at members’ offices or places in the district that will be impacted—public schools, Head Start classrooms, health clinics that serve Medicaid patients, etc—with signs. You can invite state legislators, members of Congress from neighboring districts that agree, small business owners, or people with personal stories to speak. Signs could say:

    • Families Over Billionaires 

    • Stand with Working People Not Billionaires,

    • Fair Taxes Now 

    • No More Tax Breaks for Billionaires/Corporations

  • Ask to meet with your member of Congress or their staff at their home office. If they won’t meet, show up to the office and call their office number to make your voices heard. Need member specific contact info or materials? Email us!

  • Host a Social Media Day of Action this week and tagging members of Congress, and get other key voices to join in to amplify.  Hashtag ideas: #TaxFairness, #FairTaxesNow, #FamiliesOverBillionaires

  • Gather a few people in your local office or a coffee shop and have them write letters to Congress saying no more tax cuts for the rich – then invite media. 

  • Join town hall meetings that Congress members may be hosting – or host your own! – to have people speak up about what they expect from their elected officials. 

Email us if you have any questions or need help making these ideas happen! Tell us your plans and we’ll add your event to our shared calendar. 
